the tide rises, the tide falls | an oceanic literary magazine

the pearl
a print anthology
---------- $10 ----------
50 of our favorite poems, in one book. all profits go to the united nations refugee agency. estimated shipping time is 2-3 weeks.
if you'd like your order shipped to somewhere other than the united states, united kingdom, or india, please contact us at for an updated shipping cost and arrival date.
sage agee
sandra aliandy
sarah e. azizi
lorelei bacht
jack b. bedell
bhavya bhagtani
natasha bredle
karan chambers
joseph c. p. christopher
l.m. cole
peach delphine
ruby dunn
ashley d. escobar
lynn finger
naomi french
snigdha garud
jess gersony
joe gross
bex hainsworth
karen harvey
isabelle king
k.j. kogon
kelli lage
susan t. landry
lucia larsen
courtney leblanc
clarice lima
september lin
sarah little
natalie marino
sam moe
charlotte oliver
josie pierce
kushal poddar
natalia queenan
mugdhaa ranade
elli samuels
t. r. san
pamela seong koon
mitali singh
meg smith
claire sosienski smith
hazel tkach
christian ward
barrett warner
jenny wong
vivian zhu