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self-portrait as the deep blue


chukwuemelie aginah

the wind drums his usual and i
surge in his throbbing. you give yourself to me and i
cuddle you as long-lost lovers would. my memory, numb and i
let my softness read the braille of your pain. you give me freedom and i
caress your lungs. you gurgle in a way that i could only hear and i
giggle, it’s a love language. close to your heart and i
hear a roar. it’s your blood recounting her tales and i
know you are a bone that’d stick to my throat and i
upthrust you to surface, but you give yourself again and die

Chukwuemelie Aginah is a Nigerian writer who explores loss, longing, healing and the multiplicity of human experience. He is an alumnus of SprinNG Writing Fellowship, winning the 2022 Non-Fiction contest and a notable mention in the Fiction category. His works are published with Okadabooks and in SWF's 2022 anthology.

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